Happy Chinese New Year and welcome to the new moon in Leo on the 16th of February is going to be so interesting, to say the least! The theme for 2022 is vision, after 2021's theme of reinvent. What does that mean? Manifestation will organically unfold this year, February being the start of the catalyst for action in all aspects of your life. The nice thing is we do not have to try too hard to make things happen, we will almost feel spiritually pushed to do things without much effort. Nice right! Draw a line on 2021 and even January 2022 as we work on the focus from February 2022 With the Chinese sign of Tiger and the Leo Moon, what a combination! This is a time to think about what inspires you. This powerful cycle of manifestation will truly have an impact on you. I know a lot of you have been feeling quite lost for a while and some have been treading water. The thing is you have managed to move into a phase where you will be able to identify why you had to do the hard work. In this phase, you will feel a change in your energy. Briefly, how will the February energy impact your star sign? Aries- What or who is draining your energy? Let it go, you do not need it in your life. This is affecting you moving forward. Taurus - Future planning is important for you this month. What have you put off lately? Do not let fear stop you from completing this cycle. Put your plans in place today. Gemini- February will hit you with overwhelming power. You will have a clear realisation of what you have been wanting to achieve. Then you will complete it. Cancer- That specific problem that has been getting you down will conclude this month. You will feel so much better this month. Leo- You will find this month you will feel different about things and the people around you. Your transformation starts as you feel like changing things around you, do not be surprised if you start moving furniture around your house or clearing out that garage. Go with the flow. Virgo- This month will bring out the best in you. A long time coming right! Little misunderstandings and hiccups will be settled this month. Libra - You have been waiting for your moment for a long time now. You will finally feel the balance you have been waiting for so long. You will feel inspired this month. Success will happen for you this month. Scorpio - This month you will feel like making changes in your life. Your life needs more colour and lightness to assist this new change. I feel fewer limitations for you this month. Ignore other people’s opinions and go for it. Sagittarius - You will feel like you are not being taken seriously this month. You will be attracting strong energies around you this month, because of your playful nature, you will find people may try to make you conform. Give yourself space and do not be sucked into the negativity. Capricorn- This is the beginning of something new. This is an important month for you. Spirituality is the key for you this month that will lead to an important moment for you. You will have a powerful revelation. Be prepared to be surprised! Aquarius- Stop worrying! Your emotions have put you out of balance. This month those worries will come to an end. Pisces- You will feel more in control and connected this month. Mid-February is an important beginning for you as you understand yourself fully. You must be ready for this new phase. Step into this new power and inspiration and see a new phase present itself to you. It is important not to overwhelm this energy with too many wishes. Break them down to one thing at a time. There is plenty of time to get what you want. As your dreams come to fruition you will notice the quality of the wishes attracts great things around you. As the theme this year is Vision, this will allow the right people to come into your life to help. Good, bad, and ugly, remember that mirror I always talk about. Understand the delivery of the messages and the reflections. If you do not understand what you see in the mirror, book a reading! What about Love? I hear the Single people ask. Well, 2022 is about connecting and togetherness, so if you are single, you may not be by the end of the year. If you are not single, you may feel more connected to your partner than you have for a while. To succeed in this month. Once again, notice the signs, listen/see what is being shown to you. Ask your guides to show you signs to ensure you are in the correct direction. Do more Spiritual work this year (workshops are now on if you are interested) To make your vision manifest you need to add action. So, make sure you know what you want and go for it. Finally, it is important (it is vital) to be authentic and trust yourself, even if people around you are not being 'all that' Remind yourself of your power, call in that inner Tiger as although it sounds like a brilliant year, we are still having to live in our current environment, and it can be difficult to remain positive in our dreams when we are trying to soar like eagles whilst being surrounded by turkeys. Hold your tenacity and believe thou shall be done. If you are a tarot person, my black cat tarot card would be The Hanged Man for this month, in reverse, so it is upright. Meaning looking at situations with rose coloured glasses, that different perspective is often needed. Do not let history repeat itself this year. Cut those threads (See my book Transform Your Psyche, your Journal to Self Discovery) if you are still rethinking the past. So, as we step into February. Listen to your instincts, gut, heart. Make sure you put yourself first and you will attract so much more for yourself. This is a love cycle. So, ensure you open that heart up to attract. This could be new love, friends, career, business, finances. Do not waste your time with people who do not get you. They will eventually but it may be too late. If you are not happy with any situation in your life, do one thing a day to change it. Feb 2022, 2222 is about your creativity. Whether you are an artist or builder, this is energy for creating what your heart wants. It is such a magical time so grab your Unicorn and soar with that eagle. Spiritual Disclaimer! Free will - I always remind my clients that you have free will. If you are conditioned to be negative, well guess what? What a waste of a great month. Try and do something to find your light. -Brigid Spiritual Development for Beginners who want to Advance
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February 2025